What do our members say about e21?
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What Do Staff Say About e21?

“Using e21 gave me the tools and practice to effectively support my staff and campers. After the training, I walked away with concrete examples of what the 21st century skills looked like in day to day activities which made it easier to mentor and encourage the staff. I saw the benefits of this program trickle down to the campers, staff felt empowered to take on more responsibility and become more creative in their activities with the campers.”
“Using e21 gave me the tools and practice to effectively support my staff and campers. After the training, I walked away with concrete examples of what the 21st century skills looked like in day to day activities which made it easier to mentor and encourage the staff. I saw the benefits of this program trickle down to the campers, staff felt empowered to take on more responsibility and become more creative in their activities with the campers.”
“I appreciated the framework we put in place last summer as it created a stable working environment for both myself and my staff. It helped each of us to grow as individuals and become more effective as counselors... it allowed my staff to gain a better understanding I had of them during the summer... the use of this framework created a huge base for growth and improvement for both myself and staff and has given me a different opinion on how I plan to oversee future staff members”
“My experience at camp has set me apart in ways that many will never be able to understand and the skills that the workforce yearns for are simply inherent traits of a good camp counselor”
“The 21st century skills training helped me be able to handle difficult conversations with both staff and parents. It made me feel more comfortable with my communication skills and gave me more confidence as a leader.”
“Summer camp is for kids as the brochures will tell you, but nowhere in the brochure does it tell you the profound effect the place will have on you as an adult…..at the end of 7-8 weeks you will not be thinking about what you were taught, but what you learnt about yourself. Something about camp will instill a confidence in you that you never knew possible, the ability to put yourselves into a situation with people you met days ago and do activities you wouldn’t do with people you have known your whole life, and love every second of it”