What Staff Get From e21
Working at a camp that values YOUR success is life-changing.
A camp using e21 is committed to educating, encouraging and empowering staff to grow both personally and professionally during their time working there.
So what does working for an e21 member camp mean for you?
Working at an e21 member camp gives you a breadth of experience that is unparalleled in other industries. You’ll gain intentional training and opportunities to grow and develop in a wide variety of skills and settings.
e21 camps focus on what you do, and are trained to document evidence of the skills and growth you demonstrate. You’ll leave with concrete examples of excellence instead of generic “good job” platitudes!
e21 camps believe in giving staff autonomy and feedback, and in coaching rather than evaluating them. You will be able to contribute to your own experience and to the culture of the camp in general.
e21 member camps strive to create a positive, inclusive and supportive environment for staff. Your emotional wellbeing and individual development is a priority, and your supervisors are trained to coach and mentor their staff.
The work you do over the course of your job at camp is verified by their participation in e21. Creating a universal language and standards around your skill development means references are more likely to stand out.
e21’s framework is built around six key 21st century skills, which are inherently used in camp staff roles and our member camps will prioritize your growth and development in these areas.
Plus, all staff from e21 camps have access to the e21 Network, where mentorship and career opportunities await!
The e21 Network is an exclusive community of camp alumni, staff and leaders. Connect with people in a range of industries, get advice and insider advantages for jobs, and post your resume for employers who recognize the value of working at a summer camp.
See e21 in practice!
Below is a video of a staff member answering a typical interview question, both before and after our training. See how we can help you to sell yourself!